by Lyle

July 14, 2023


Thrivecart Vs Gumroad: Which Platform Is Best For Your Business?

The world of e-commerce has been booming over the past few years, especially in the realm of digital products. With the rise of many online businesses, it has become highly important to choose the right platform to sell your digital products online.

Two popular options in this space are Thrivecart and Gumroad. Both offer a range of features to help entrepreneurs get started with selling online. However, given the differences in their pricing plans and unique features, selecting the best platform can be a challenging task.

I use both of these tools for a variety of reasons but have recently switched to Thrivecart for my sales.

In this blog post, I will compare these two popular e-commerce platforms and help you make the right choice for your business.

What is the best platform to sell digital products online.

In today's digital age, businesses are constantly on the hunt for the best platform to sell their digital products online. E-commerce platforms are evolving and introducing new features every day, making it difficult for businesses to decide which platform to choose. With so many options available, it's easy to get lost in the sea of e-commerce platforms and end up using the wrong one for your business.

One of the biggest problems businesses face when selecting an e-commerce platform is the lack of scalability. Many businesses may start small but are looking to scale up their sales. However, not all e-commerce platforms will be able to handle this growth, and as a result, businesses may lose out on potential sales.

Another common problem is the pricing structure. E-commerce platforms typically apply a commission on every sale, which can eat into your profits. While some platforms offer lower commission rates, they may not have the same features and functionality as more expensive ones.

One other problem businesses face is ease of use. Not all e-commerce platforms are user-friendly, and businesses may struggle with setting up and customizing their store without technical expertise. This problem can be more prevalent for small businesses that don't have the budget to hire a dedicated web developer.

So, what's the solution?

Thrivecart and Gumroad are both excellent e-commerce platforms for selling digital products, and each has its own unique features and pricing plans. Thrivecart is a more advanced platform with a vast array of features focused on conversion optimization and upselling. Gumroad is an easier platform to use, with a simple setup process and lower pricing structure.

Businesses should consider their needs and budget when selecting an e-commerce platform for selling digital products. Thrivecart and Gumroad may be a great place to start.

What are the features and pricing plans?

As more and more businesses are exploring the digital world for selling their products, it's crucial to find the right platform that caters to their needs. Two such popular platforms are Thrivecart and Gumroad, each with its own set of unique features and pricing plans.

Thrivecart is an all-in-one platform that allows you to sell digital and physical products, subscriptions, and even upsell and cross-sell your products. The platform excels in providing flexibility in setting up your sales funnel, and automating the entire process from checkout to delivery. With features like one-click upsells, customizable checkout pages, and advanced analytics, Thrivecart is an excellent choice for businesses who want complete control over their sales process.

At the time of writing this article, you can pick up Thrivecart for a one time fee here. There are no fees on your sales, other than your payment gateway fees.

On the other hand, Gumroad is a simpler e-commerce platform that specializes in selling digital products. With a user-friendly interface, Gumroad makes it easy to create and sell products like eBooks, courses, software, and music. The platform also provides great marketing tools like customizable landing pages, email marketing, and social media integration.

Gumroad's pricing plan recently changed to a 10% flat fee. Some may say that this is high, but they provide excellent service which may warrant this fee.

When it comes to choosing between Thrivecart and Gumroad, it's essential to consider your business goals, product range, and budget. If you're looking for a more comprehensive solution that can handle both digital and physical products, Thrivecart might be the perfect choice. On the flip side, if your focus is on selling digital products with an emphasis on user experience, Gumroad might fit the bill.

Whether you choose Thrivecart or Gumroad, both platforms offer excellent value for money and have considerable user bases that can help you reach a wider audience. So pick the one that's right for your business needs and start selling your digital products with ease!

Thrivecart offers more advanced features than Gumroad.

Thrivecart offers more advanced features than Gumroad, making it the best choice for businesses that need more control over their online store. Not only does it have more features, but it also has excellent reviews, making it a great option for those looking to get started selling online quickly and easily.

One benefit of Thrivecart is the wide range of integrations it allows. From email marketing software to membership site software, Thrivecart integrates with almost everything. This makes it easy to use in conjunction with other sales tools and to streamline the customer experience.

Another benefit is the advanced checkout functionality, which allows businesses to customize their checkout process and collect more data about their customers. The checkout process itself is smooth, with minimal friction or hassle for the consumer.

Thrivecart offers more payment processing options, including PayPal and Stripe, making it more flexible for businesses that want to use different payment gateways.

Thrivecart also has a robust affiliate management system, making it easy to reward partners who refer traffic and sales to the business's online store. This can be an effective way to grow sales and build relationships with other businesses in the industry.

Thrivecart offers excellent customer support, including a knowledge base, tutorials, and email support. This makes it easy to get started with the platform and to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Overall, Thrivecart is the clear choice for businesses that need more control over their online store and want a wide range of features and integrations to customize their checkout process. With great reviews, pricing models, payment processing options, and customer support, it's a great option for businesses of all sizes.


Choosing the right e-commerce platform can make a huge difference for your business when it comes to selling digital products online.

Both Thrivecart and Gumroad are fantastic options, but the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and business goals. If you're looking for more advanced features, control over your online store, and excellent customer reviews, Thrivecart is the way to go.

However, if you're looking for a simpler setup and pricing plan, Gumroad may be the better option. Whatever you choose, the most important thing is to choose a platform that will allow you to grow your business and thrive in the digital world.

ThriveCart FAQs:

1. What is ThriveCart?
- ThriveCart is a shopping cart platform that enables entrepreneurs and businesses to sell products and services online.

2. How does ThriveCart work?
- ThriveCart integrates with your website or landing page, allowing you to create and customize your product offerings, set up checkout processes, and manage customer transactions.

3. What are the key features of ThriveCart?
- ThriveCart offers features such as one-click upsells, downsells, order bumps, affiliate management, customizable checkout pages, integration with payment gateways, customer analytics and tracking, and more.

4. Can I use ThriveCart with my existing website or landing page?
- Yes, ThriveCart can be easily integrated with your existing website or landing page by embedding checkout forms or using direct integration methods.

5. Does ThriveCart integrate with popular payment gateways?
- Yes, ThriveCart integrates with popular payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, allowing you to accept payments from various sources.

6. Can I sell digital products and physical goods with ThriveCart?
- Yes, ThriveCart supports the sale of both digital products, such as e-books and online courses, as well as physical goods that require shipping.

7. Does ThriveCart offer subscription or membership options?
- Yes, ThriveCart provides subscription and membership capabilities, allowing you to offer recurring billing for your products or create membership sites.

8. How does ThriveCart handle sales tax and VAT?
- ThriveCart provides built-in tax calculation features, allowing you to configure tax rates based on your business location and comply with sales tax and VAT regulations.

9. Can I set up upsells, downsells, and order bumps with ThriveCart?
- Yes, ThriveCart allows you to create upsells, downsells, and order bumps, enabling you to increase average order value and enhance the customer experience.

10. Does ThriveCart provide analytics and tracking for my sales?
- Yes, ThriveCart offers comprehensive analytics and tracking features that provide insights into your sales performance, customer behavior, conversion rates, and more.

11. Is ThriveCart beginner-friendly or more suitable for advanced users?
- ThriveCart is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple and intuitive interface. It caters to both beginners and advanced users, offering robust features for scaling businesses.

12. How much does ThriveCart cost and what are the pricing plans available?
- ThriveCart offers different pricing plans, including a standard plan and a pro plan. For the most up-to-date pricing information, please visit the official ThriveCart website.

13. Is there a free trial or a money-back guarantee for ThriveCart?
- ThriveCart offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try the platform risk-free.

14. Are there any transaction fees associated with ThriveCart?
- ThriveCart doesn't charge any transaction fees on top of the fees imposed by your selected payment gateway.

15. What kind of customer support does ThriveCart offer?
- ThriveCart provides customer support through email and a knowledge base with tutorials and documentation to assist users.

Gumroad FAQs:
1. What is Gumroad?
- Gumroad is an online platform that enables creators to sell their digital products, such as e-books, music, videos, and artwork, directly to customers.

2. How does Gumroad work?
- Gumroad allows creators to set up their product listings, pricing, and payment options. Customers can browse and purchase products directly from the creator's Gumroad page.

3. What are the key features of Gumroad?
- Gumroad offers features such as customizable product listings, secure payment processing, file hosting and delivery, email marketing integration, subscription options, analytics and reporting, and more.

4. Can I use Gumroad with my existing website or blog?
- Yes, Gumroad can be integrated with your existing website or blog by embedding Gumroad product widgets or linking to your Gumroad page.

5. Does Gumroad support various payment gateways?
- Gumroad primarily uses its own payment processing system, but it supports major credit cards and PayPal for customer payments.

6. Can I sell both digital products and physical goods with Gumroad?
- Yes, Gumroad supports the sale of both digital products and physical goods that require shipping. It offers options for calculating shipping costs and managing inventory.

7. Does Gumroad provide subscription or membership options?
- Yes, Gumroad offers subscription and membership capabilities, allowing creators to sell access to recurring content or create membership-based communities.

8. How does Gumroad handle sales tax and VAT?
- Gumroad provides built-in tax calculation features, allowing creators to configure tax rates based on their business location and comply with sales tax and VAT regulations.

9. Can I offer upsells or discounts with Gumroad?
- Gumroad recently launched upsells.

10. Does Gumroad offer analytics and insights for my sales?
- Yes, Gumroad provides analytics and reporting features that give creators insights into their sales, revenue, customer behavior, and more.

11. Is Gumroad suitable for beginners or more geared towards advanced users?
- Gumroad is beginner-friendly and designed to be accessible to creators of all levels of experience.

12. What are the pricing options for Gumroad?
- Gumroad charges a 10% fee on sales.

13. Does Gumroad charge any transaction fees?
- Yes, Gumroad charges a 10% fee on sales.

14. Is there a free trial or a money-back guarantee for Gumroad?
- Gumroad doesn't offer a free trial, but creators can start with the free plan to get started. Gumroad's refund policy may vary, so it's best to check their terms and conditions.

15. What kind of customer support does Gumroad provide?
- Gumroad offers customer support through email and a help center with articles, tutorials, and guides to assist creators with using the platform.

About the author 


Lyle Weber is a freelance writer, editor, and content creator who writes and edits software product reviews and guides for Lyles Reviews.

He specializes in testing out tools, gadgets, and software across a variety of platforms.

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